
How to Get the Most out of FAQ Plugins for WP Leave a comment

FAQ section (Frequently Asked Questions) is one of the most common pages you can find all across the web. It may be optional for portfolio websites and landing pages, however, when it comes to customer-oriented and commercial projects, a well-composed FAQ section is absolutely pivotal. 

Website owners who are just starting their online business may think that a FAQ section is a page that deserves less attention than product pages or delivery terms. That’s why it is important to point out the principal advantages that you gain when you apply some serious effort to improve your FAQ page design and content.

  1. A comprehensive FAQ page will reduce the amount of work that otherwise will fall on the shoulders of customer support. Suchwise, the effort invested in FAQ will help you to save time and money in the long run.
  2. This will help you increase the probability of the purchase and decrease the client’s decision-making efforts. Not all customers would prefer to contact support but would rather look for the answer on the website. In addition, it may be much faster for the support member to give the client the link to the well-written FAQ page.
  3. Finally, an honest and well-composed FAQ page typically has a positive effect on the perception of the brand. It may serve as a guarantee or just a sign that you are dealing with a trustworthy website.

As you see, there is a bunch of good reasons to pay some extra attention to your FAQ page, and we will gladly give you several good pieces of advice regarding the content and the FAQ plugins that you may integrate if your WordPress theme does not have one by default.

Let’s get started!

How to find out what questions are the most essential?

Well, if you’re looking for the most accurate method, then a detailed study of real-life customer’s questions addressed to you would be the most effective method. Also, it would be just great to ask your customer support because they have to know the answer for sure.

However, what if you still don’t have any feedback and there’s still no customer support department? Well, then it would be practical to peep at a desk mate’s notebook – just visit the competitor’s resources and carefully audit their FAQ’s pointing out all pros and cons. And, of course, do your best to overcome their FAQs!

Also, it may be useful to check some popular services that offer some variants of questions you can use in your FAQ. It may be useful to search for some options on Google Autocomplete or Quora.

Which is the best place on the website for a FAQ page?

FAQ page

Of course, there is no universal answer to this question. In order to make this decision, you need to analyze the number of factors like the specifics of your business sphere, user experience, website design issues, etc. Also, you need to make a decision whether you will separate FAQ from customer service or you will decide to integrate those two with the help of Help Desk.

If your website advertises and sells only one or just several products, you can easily place the FAQ page link right on the product page. Also, it may be placed on “About us” page or any other product of the brand-related page. Note, the FAQ link is frequently placed in the footer of the page and many clients who will have questions will start scrolling the page down to find it there. So it would be wise to follow this rule and place one right in the footer. You can even highlight it a little if you feel that it can get lost among other buttons and widgets.

WordPress FAQ plugins give you complete freedom of choice in picking a place for a section. So you can go creative and experiment with its location. However, don’t get too far with it – if the visitors won’t be able to find it, your FAQ would be completely useless.

Integrating your FAQ plugin with WordPress

Many WordPress themes come with the integrated FAQ plugin that you can turn on and customize according to your preferences. Still, sometimes you may find its set of functions insufficient and you would like to integrate your WP-based website with a more advanced FAQ plugin. And in some cases, you may find out that there is no such option in WP theme that you are using because you had no need for this page when you were just starting your website.

However, some of the plugins that you may find online may require some expert knowledge in coding and programming you do not own. That’s why we have prepared several practical FAQ plugins that are very easy to integrate with your website! They also feature a highly user-friendly back office that won’t make you puzzling over the tricky settings.


This is a very easy-to-use FAQ plugin that was highly rated by many users who decided to integrate it with their website. The other good thing about this plugin is that it is absolutely free, and it integrates with your website just in several clicks. Arconix FAQ allows you some minor experiments with the view of the FAQ page and supports group and individual architecture allows organizing your questions on different pages using tags.


Another practical FAQ plugin for WordPress that you can download for free and integrate with your website. Ultimate FAQ supports several types of view and even features an integrated search form. This plugin will be handy for the websites that may feature many questions and detailed answers. It also allows inserting your own CSS and customizes the section according to your preferences and tastes. Naturally, it features a responsive design and microdata SEO-friendly question schema.


This FAQ plugin is not free, and it will cost you $17. However, for this money you will receive a big array of functions plus the free updates provided by the developer. Accordion FAQ offers such popular features as responsive design, support of short-codes, easy bootstrap framework, endless color scheme options, two basic styles, drag-and-drop builder, etc.


For $25 you will get a great number of options that will make your FAQ section shine and blink like a Christmas tree. And, of course, you can count on unlimited free updates from the developer. FAQPLUS comes with more than 25 types on in-built animation, customizable CSS, practical shortcode options, drag-and-drop architecture and responsive, mobile-friendly design.

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