
Fun Facts About WordPress Which You Never Heard Before Leave a comment

Today, WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems globally. More than one-third of the world’s top 10 million websites use WordPress, and, as you probably know, there are many good reasons for people to do so. First of all, all WordPress soft is open source, which means that you can use it absolutely for free once you know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP or at least some of them.

Secondly, it is highly praised by millions of world users for its easy modular architecture – you can always empower your website with a third-party plugin. In most cases, it won’t require any particular coding skill, and such integration can be executed in almost no time.

Of course, we can talk about the virtues of our favorite content management system for hours. Still, we are pretty sure that you also know a lot about the benefits of WordPress-based websites and the amount of money you can save if you know how to deal with coding and digital marketing. However, today we wanted to talk about some WordPress facts that are probably unknown to the regular user. Quite possible that you will love WordPress even more after you finish the fun facts list! So… here we go! Enjoy!

1. WordPress Is Older Than You May Think

Can you remember the time before Twitter and Facebook? And some of the WordPress pioneers can recall those times because WordPress is actually 1 year older than Facebook and 3 years older than Twitter. I bet that many people would be pretty surprised to hear that!

2. WordPress Was Created for Bloggers

Yeah, right, from the very beginning, WordPress wasn’t that ambitious project that it is right now, and it was actually created with one and only purpose – as a blog publishing system. Well, that actually explains why WordPress is still mostly labeled as a content management system even though its functions had grown far beyond this generic concept a long time ago.

3. WordPress Powers About One-Third of All Internet Websites

In the introduction, we have mentioned that every third website in the top 10 million websites on the Internet is based on WordPress technology. But what if we analyze statistics from all over the Internet. Well, the numbers are still pretty impressive – according to the research conveyed in 2019, WordPress-based websites make up more than 27 percent of all Internet sites.

4. WordPress Is the Most Popular Content Management System in the World Right Now

If we are talking about WordPress as a content management system, we can easily call it an apex predator in this jungle. WordPress is used by more than 75% of content managers worldwide, which is impressive.

5. WordPress Does Not Have a CEO

Yeah, WordPress company does not have a CEO because it is not owned by any company in the world. WordPress is mostly developed and maintained as open-source software by developers from all over the world.

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