Website More User-Friendly

How to Make Your Website More User-Friendly Leave a comment

The Internet is so global and widespread that it affects all aspects of our lives. Just think about it, can you imagine a world without the internet? Well, for sure a lot of millennials had to grow up without immediate access to the Internet. However, everything has changed, and now the Internet is responsible for growing a new generation of humans.

The World Wide Web brings together people from all over the world, helping us to receive news and information, store documents, and plan travel itineraries, and even maintain our health. However, not all sites really care about the availability of web content.

It is said that the Internet tolerates everything, and everyone can go online and learn something. Sounds quite nice, but it’s not necessarily true for everyone. There are many sites out of reach for people with disabilities. So let’s talk about the availability of web content, why it’s so important, and how you can make your site fully accessible to people with disabilities.

What Does “Web Content Availability” Mean?

About 15% of people on Earth have certain hearing, vision, movement, or cognitive impairments. Thus, mandatory access to information for such groups is included in the list of human rights, but some sites are still inaccessible to them. To ensure a certain level of accessibility, the site must be properly designed and written.

Site Availability Characteristics:

  • Contrasting colors

The smooth color transition may look really nice and elegant, but there are people who do not see well enough or have difficulty perceiving color. Using very contrasting colors (such as black and white, yellow and black, red and white) can both look great and be comfortable for the visually impaired.

  • Voice recognition

With the advent of Siri, Alexa, and Cortana, voice control of gadgets is becoming increasingly popular. And there are people who can’t use their hands for various reasons. However, all of them will be able to control the site by voice, only if it is adapted to this form of control.

  • Audible text

People with visual impairments, or completely blind, use specialized software that transforms text into speech. However, this software will not be able to determine what is shown in the image unless you write an alternative description to it.

  • Layout and site design

The original design can impress the visitor, but can also confuse them. So the easier the site navigation, the better.

  • Notification

It’s very important to notify the user about their actions on the site. If, for example, someone filled in the form incorrectly, it should not look like “Data entered incorrectly,” but it should report exactly where the error was made.

  • Large control buttons

Small buttons and interactive elements are perfect only if you want your visitors to never click on them. PC users with normal maneuverability will be able to click on them, but those who visit your site from a tablet or smartphone or the elderly with reduced eyesight may have trouble targeting a small button. Make sure the most important buttons (such as “Buy Now”) on your site are large enough.

  • Content settings

Different people have different needs. Some want to reduce the text and look at the big picture, others will not be able to read the text if the letters are too small. If you provide certain tools to customize the content in accordance to every viewer’s needs, it will definitely improve the UX of your site.

  • Keyboard control

Not everyone can use a mouse. You think that managing and moving a site is an extremely simple task, but there are people with problematic coordination, and they can only use the keyboard. If your site can be controlled using only the keyboard, you will make life easier for many people.

  • Subtitles to the video

Deaf and people with hearing loss also want to watch videos, but they will not be able to do so if the video is not subtitled. Adding text to a video is not that difficult, so think about it. In addition, if you have a bad perception of English by ear (the original language of the video), then subtitles will help you with translation.

How Can the Availability of Web Content Increase Your Profits?

Of course, you can say, “Okay, you’ve listed some of the benefits that people with disabilities will get, but what should I get out of it?” It’s true that implementing accessibility takes time, effort, and money, so that may seem a bit too much for a usual website owner. However, it’s still more profitable and client-oriented to have a versatile and full-functioning responsive website.

First of all, customizing your site according to accessibility requirements will make it more convenient to use. The interface will be more convenient for all users, not just for those who have some health problems. The more convenient it is for your customers to view and surf your website, the more often they come back to you and the more friends they bring with them. You expand your audience and increase traffic – one way or another it makes your business more efficient.

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